Remedial Treatments Get Better With Medical Image Quantification Techniques}

Submitted by: Ethan Aldrin

Medical field in support of technology has achieved wondrous results for the mankind. It has overcome the problems associated to the medicinal research and appropriate treatments of patients on time. Computer-Aided Diagnosis is helpful in assisting doctors with the procedures in medicine with medical images. It is a very broader concept encompassing imaging, mathematics, physics, statistics and computer vision.

Various imaging techniques have made it simple for the medical teams to analyze different medical conditions. Some of the medical imaging techniques are X-Rays, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Computed Tomography and molecular imaging, ultrasound, etc.

The combination of Artificial intelligence, Digital Imaging processing and radiological image processing has simplified the imaging and their refinement efforts for Computer-Aided Diagnosis. The information provided from this tool helps the radiologists or medical practitioners find a second opinion for the diagnosis and treatment. The analysis of the lesion by both the radiologist and the computer detection helps in speedy decision-making regarding the medical solution.


Information obtained from Computer-Aided Diagnosis helps in extremely serious medical conditions like tumors, cancer, coronary diseases, etc. Some of the CAD applications are like mammography, multi-modality for breast cancer, Chest radiography and thoracic Computer tomography for lung cancer and other different ailments. CAD system helps in the detection as well as characterization of the ailment. The imaging involves pre-processing, image-segmentation, feature selection and other steps enabling better detection facility.

Medical image quantification is beneficial for both diagnostic as well as clinical trial applications. It detects the biological activity due to the drug effects. It has simplified the efforts required for medical analysis of a particular condition of the patient. Medical image quantification has provided the boon to healthcare organizations for personalized treatment of the patient based on appropriate and analyzed evidence of the medical condition. This results in reduced complicated effects during and after the surgeries as well as reduced the post effects. Also the treatment effects on the diseases can be evaluated.

The imaging technique actually helps the doctors for risk assessment, prevention to serious medical conditions, early detection, decision-making and monitoring the prevailing as well as future situations. It has proved fruitful for drug treatment and guidance to therapeutic procedures that could be followed.

Medical imaging researches are focusing their efforts through information and communication technology to provide radiologists and nuclear physicians with optimum results forming decision support systems for them. They are also working on improved medical image quantification results and biomarkers.

In the presence technological diversification, finding solutions have been simpler to complicated issues. Rising different types of medical issues and their treatment need optimal technologies. This would help medical practitioners to be aware of existing complexities and analyze futuristic conditions that might prevail. Drug treatment as well as surgeries has received profound help in the form of imaging techniques.

Healthcare issues have always been a prominent field for the betterment of lives of earth. And technology combined with medicinal research will help in finding distinguished and effective solutions for the arising medical problems.

About the Author: Ethan Aldrin explains how Medical Image Quantification has revolutionized the way clinical analysis and medical intervention is carried out. He has found MedimSight cloud technologies very innovative since they are equipped with the most advanced computer-aided diagnosis methods and biomarker quantification system for top-quality medical images and reports that can be viewed, analyzed and shared from any location.


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